Mostrando ítems 14930-14949 de 41822

    Essays on Inflation Expectations, Heterogeneous Agents, and the Use of Approximated Solutions in the Estimation of DSGE models 

    Ormeño Sánchez, Arturo (Fecha de defensa: 2011-09-21)

    In this thesis I evaluate the departures of three common assumptions in macroeconomic modeling and estimation, namely the Rational Expectations (RE) hypothesis, the representative agent assumption and the use of first-order ...

    Essays on Inflation, Real Stock Prices, and extreme macroeconomic events 

    Pereira Garmendia, Diego (Fecha de defensa: 2011-09-05)

    La presente tesis estudia la correlación negativa entre inflación y precios reales de las acciones. En primer lugar, muestro evidencia de que la inflación impone costos reales en la economía, en particular al disminuir los ...

    Essays on informal labor markets 

    Vega Núñez, Adriana Patricia (Fecha de defensa: 2018-10-18)

    The dissertation deals with the analysis of informality in developing countries considering both the worker’s and the firm’s perspective. Within a context of a strong presence of this phenomenon in the majority of South ...

    Essays on information and competition in banking and service industries 

    Petriconi, Silvio (Fecha de defensa: 2014-09-25)

    This thesis investigates the relation between information and competition in two particular settings. In the first chapter, I ask which screening and lending choices banks make if their loan offers can be observed by ...

    Essays on information frictions in macroeconomics 

    Chan, Jenny (Fecha de defensa: 2019-12-03)

    This dissertation consists of three chapters related to questions in macroeconomics and information frictions. In the first chapter, I relax the complete information assumption in the standard New Keynesian framework to ...

    Essays on infraestructure and economic growth 

    Yang, Guohao (Fecha de defensa: 2019-09-03)

    This thesis aims to better understand China’s structural change and productivity growth in recent decades. In the first chapter, I study the impact of infrastructure, i.e, highway construction, on China’s participation in ...

    Essays on innovation in manufacturing environments: strategy and production 

    Llach Pagès, Josep (Fecha de defensa: 2010-02-02)

    La present tesi doctoral és un recull de cinc articles científics que analitzen l'ús d'innovacions dins l'àmbit manufacturer. Entenent el concepte innovació en un sentit ampli, no només tecnològic. La tesi està estructurada ...

    Essays on innovation, productivity and knowledge flows: evidence for Spanish firms 

    Goya Carrillo, Esther (Fecha de defensa: 2015-03-27)

    This dissertation aims to further understand the relationship between innovation and productivity in Spain taking into account the impact of knowledge flows. To this end, Spanish firms from both manufacturing and services ...

    Essays on Innovation, Productivity and Labor Economics 

    Korchowiec, Bartosz (Fecha de defensa: 2020-06-16)

    A la següent tesi, estudio com afecta la innovació als mercats laborals: com s’ origina i quines són les seves conseqüències per a la població activa.. En els dos primers capítols, la font d’ un augment de la productivitat ...

    Essays on institutional quality, macroeconomic stabilization, and economic growth in International Monetary Fund member countries 

    Javed, Omer (Fecha de defensa: 2015-09-10)

    This study is motivated by the overall poor performance of International Monetary Fund (IMF) programs in recipient countries in terms of economic growth consequences, and tries to explore the relevance of institutional ...

    Essays on international capital flows and benchmarked investors 

    Williams, Tomás (Fecha de defensa: 2017-05-26)

    This thesis provides an empirical investigation of international capital flows and how they affect financial markets and economic activity, with a focus on capital flows from benchmarked investors. In the first chapter, ...

    Essays on international trade and economic geography 

    Potlogea, Andrei Victor (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-06)

    This thesis provides an investigation of the effects of trade, technology and natural resource shocks on local economies and local labor markets. In the first chapter, I explore theoretically the impact of recent improvements ...

    Essays on international trade and economic geography 

    Yeşilbayraktar, Uğur (Fecha de defensa: 2023-01-24)

    This thesis explores how international trade shapes economic geography and analyses the effects of borders and other trade costs on the pattern of trade. In the first chapter, I study how the reduction in trade costs ...

    Essays on International Trade and Firm Dynamics 

    Pujolàs Fons, Pau Salvador (Fecha de defensa: 2013-07-02)

    El primer capítol d’aquesta Tesis porta per Títol “Trade Patterns, Income Differences and Gains From Trade” i ha estat elaborada conjuntament amb el meu col·lega Wyatt J. Brooks. Quantificar els guanys provinents de comerç ...

    Essays on international trade, geography and borders 

    Santamaría, Marta (Santamaría Monturiol) (Fecha de defensa: 2019-09-09)

    This thesis explores how different types of trade costs shape trade patterns and the distribution of economic activity across space. In the first chapter, I study how the choice of transport infrastructure after the division ...

    Essays on intersectorial dynamics 

    Burlón, Lorenzo (Fecha de defensa: 2011-06-21)

    Vegeu lbresum1de1.pdf

    Essays on job mobility 

    García Louzao, Jose (Fecha de defensa: 2019-06-28)

    Esta tesis doctoral estudia cómo las instituciones del mercado laboral, las relaciones sociales en el mercado, o la estructura de la propiedad de las empresas afectan la movilidad laboral de trabajadores y empresas. El ...

    Essays on Labor Economics 

    Houštecká, Anna (Fecha de defensa: 2020-06-17)

    En aquesta tesi, analitzo les causes i conseqüències del desajust entre les habilitats de treballadors i les habilitats requerides per la seva ocupació. També investigo els factors que determinen l’èxit de fertilització ...

    Essays on labor market dynamics and policies 

    Valladares-Esteban, Arnau (Fecha de defensa: 2014-06-18)

    Aquesta tesi estudia les interaccions entre les dinàmiques del mercat laboral i l’estructura de les famílies, i com aquestes interaccions afecten les polítiques públiques. Als EUA, s’observen patrons molt diferents pel ...

    Essays on labor markets 

    Hedtrich, Christoph (Fecha de defensa: 2019-10-31)

    This thesis is composed of three articles. The first addresses the recent decline in worker mobility between jobs and links it to changes in demand for jobs along the skill distribution. I present a novel theoretical ...