Ara mostrant els elements 10185-10204 de 11297

    Spatial ecology and migration of Calonectris shearwaters: new insights from Spanish populations revealed by biologging 

    Reyes González, José Manuel de los (Data de defensa: 2021-05-26)

    The revolution in biologging and satellite telemetry technologies in the last two decades has led to a new era in seabird research. This thesis brings new insights into the spatial ecology and migration of the Cory’s and ...

    Spatial Ecology of the Endangered Egyptian Vulture: from Distribution and Movement to Biological Conservation 

    Cerecedo Iglesias, Catuxa (Data de defensa: 2024-06-14)

    [eng] The current rampant loss of biodiversity is known to be affecting human well-being the world over. Sustainability has become the global go-to solution to ensure the balance between economic growth, social well-being ...

    Spatial learning in the network of hippocampal place cells: Altering memory using a mouse model of passive transfer of antibodies from patients with anti-NMDAR encephalitis 

    Zamani Mozafarabadi, AmirPasha (Data de defensa: 2022-12-16)

    [eng] Anti-NMDAR encephalitis is the most frequent antibody-mediated encephalitis known to date, in which patients develop specific antibodies directed against the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) in the central ...

    Spatial Planning Instruments in Bulgaria: Toward the Europeanization of the Spatial Model 

    Simeonova Simeonova, Velislava (Data de defensa: 2017-06-16)

    This study aims to advance the knowledge of the system of spatial planning instruments and of the Europeanization process, having as an object of study a country from Eastern Europe: Bulgaria. The actuality of the topic ...

    Spatial Structures in Analogical Reasoning 

    Hashemi, Amin (Data de defensa: 2023-09-14)

    [eng] Analogical reasoning is fundamental to human thinking; it plays an important role in a variety of problem-solving contexts. Analogical problem-solving involves recognizing relational similarities between two situations ...

    Spatio-temporal aspects in the control of the visuomotor system 

    Rodríguez Herreros, Borja (Data de defensa: 2014-06-03)

    The complex voluntary motor behavior of higher primates is often regarded as a consequence of the development of sophisticated and adaptive perceptual and motor systems. Theoretical and behavioral investigations suggest ...

    Spatio-temporal distribution, physiological characterization and toxicity of the marine dinoflagellate Ostreopsis (Schmidt) from a temperate area, the Ebre Delta. Phylogenetic variability in comparison with a tropical area, Reunion Island 

    Carnicer Castaño, Olga (Data de defensa: 2014-11-14)

    The toxic epi-benthic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis includes several species producers of palytoxin-like compounds, one of the most potent marine toxins known so far. The aims of this thesis are, a) to contribute to the ...

    Spatio-temporal dynamics of intercellular Notch signaling: a modeling approach 

    Luna Escalante, Juan Camilo (Data de defensa: 2016-10-14)

    Intercellular signalling is a mechanism by which cells communicate and mediate coordinated responses. In this Thesis we perform theoretical and computational analyses to evaluate spatio-temporal organizations that can arise ...

    Spatiotemporal dynamics of the cerebral cortex: from unconscious brain states towards consciousness 

    Camassa, Alessandra (Data de defensa: 2021-07-23)

    Understanding the dynamics of the brain that gives rise to conscious experience and that underscore the transition through different brain states is one of the central problems of today’s neuroscience. The cerebral cortex ...

    Spawning behaviour of the Salmoninae subfamily members. A phylogenetic study. 

    Esteve Cavaller, Manuel (Data de defensa: 2005-02-25)

    Long-term data from underwater video recordings in the wild and in semi-natural channels are used to describe and compare the reproductive behaviour of fishes in the Salmoninae subfamily. The thesis is divided into five ...

    SPECT cerebral de neuroactivación con torre de Hanoi en el estudio del trastorno obsesivo compulsivo. 

    Fernández León, Alejandro (Data de defensa: 2003-06-18)

    El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral fue la evaluación de cambios en el flujo sanguíneo cerebral regional (FSCR) en pacientes afectados de trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo (TOC) y controles sanos durante la ejecución de la tarea ...

    SPECT cerebral intervencionista en la valoración prequirúrgica de la epilepsia 

    Setoain Perego, Xavier (Data de defensa: 2003-03-17)

    Los pacientes con crisis parciales complejas farmacorresistentes localizadas en el lóbulo temporal, pueden beneficiarse del tratamiento quirúrgico mediante una lobectomía temporal parcial. Por la exéresis del hipocampo, ...

    Spin crossover supramolecular coordination compounds: design, synthesis and properties 

    Darawsheh, Mohanad D. (Data de defensa: 2016-11-04)

    The results obtained in this thesis demonstrate the importance of supramolecular chemistry for the design of potential new SCO clusters. Starting from synthesizing the suitable ligands with suitable functional groups, novel ...

    Spinal Biomechanical Alterations, Neurogenic Inflammation (CGRP), Dermatitis 

    Khorsandi, Danial (Data de defensa: 2021-11-19)

    Dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease, described by intensive pruritus and eczematous lesions of skin. In most of the patients with Dermatitis, a long-lasting cycle of itch-scratch roots produces substantial ...

    Spontaneous and perturbation-based electroencephalographic markers of brain health 

    Perellón Alfonso, Ruben (Data de defensa: 2024-03-22)

    [eng] INTRODUCTION: Brain health is the optimal state of brain functioning that allows the individual to reach their maximum potential throughout life, regardless of the presence or absence of diseases. In order to promote ...

    Spontaneous generation of geometry and its possible consequences 

    Puigdomènech Bourgon, Daniel (Data de defensa: 2012-11-06)

    In this thesis a viable theory of gravity resulting from the spontaneous symmetry breaking of some more fundamental theory is developed. This fundamental theory does not include any notion of a metric or geometry. All the ...

    Sports monitoring: A complex systems approach 

    Montull Pola, Lluc (Data de defensa: 2022-05-12)

    Sports monitoring, based on excessively simplistic theoretical assumptions and methodological techniques, has limitations for capturing and assessing athletes’ behaviour. This thesis, conceptualizing athletes as complex ...

    Stability and moduli spaces of syzygy bundles 

    Macías Marques, Pedro (Data de defensa: 2009-11-30)

    To determine whether a syzygy bundle on PN is stable, or semistable, is a long-standing problem in algebraic geometry. It is closely related to the problem of finding the Hilbert function and the minimal free resolution ...

    Stable and efficient photoelectrodes for solar fuels production 

    Ros Figueras, Carles (Data de defensa: 2019-10-30)

    The excessive consumption of non-renewable energy sources such as fossil fuels has lead the world to a global climate change, urging for new energy consumption habits together with developing cost- effective alternative ...

    Stable isotopes analysis to assess abiotic and biotic remediation of groundwater polluted by chlorinated methanes 

    Rodríguez Fernández, Diana (Data de defensa: 2018-07-20)

    Carbon tetrachloride (CT) and chloroform (CF) are chlorinated methanes (CMs) which have been released to the environment for decades owing to scarce waste management. Since they are dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs), ...