Now showing items 5590-5609 of 11107

    Holographic duals of lower dimensional theories 

    Pravos Fernández, David (Date of defense: 2019-11-08)

    This thesis describes some results in AdS/CFT duality for quantum field theories in 2+1 and 1+1 dimensions. In first place, a one-parameter family of supergravity solutions is described, obtained as a deformation of a ...

    Holographic light shaping through acousto-optic deflectors 

    Treptow, Dorian (Date of defense: 2021-05-18)

    The invention of the laser in the 1960s triggered a new era of optical technologies which revolutionized many fields of industry and research. At the same time, a new demand for technologies emerged that allow to dynamically ...

    Holographic optical tweezers systems for biophysical experiments 

    Andilla i Salla, Jordi (Date of defense: 2009-01-16)

    [spa] Este trabajo describe el desarrollo de varios sistemas de atrapamiento óptico basados en holografía y su posible aplicación en experimentos de biología molecular. Se ha desarrollado un sistema de caracterización ...

    Holographic Phase Transitions and Gravitational Waves 

    Sanchez Garitaonandia, Mikel (Date of defense: 2022-07-15)

    Cosmological thermal first-order phase transitions are assumed to proceed via the nucleation of bubbles and subsequent expansion and collision. The out-of-equilibrium physics involved during the collision of bubbles is ...

    Holography applications in the strongly coupled sector: from QCD to the new physics 

    Katanaeva, Alisa (Date of defense: 2021-02-10)

    AdS/CFT correspondence combines ideas of holography and duality in a way that allows one to make calculations in the otherwise hardly accessible (strongly coupled) regime of the target theory. In this thesis we are interested ...

    Homes gais majors de 50 anys a Barcelona. Trajectòries de vida, situació social, acció col·lectiva i Treball Social 

    Mesquida González, Josep María (Date of defense: 2017-06-09)

    La situació social dels homes gais més grans és força desconeguda. Existeixen circumstàncies que fan pensar que és un col·lectiu que pot estar patint situacions de vulnerabilitat social relacionades amb diferents fets: ...

    Homoasociación de porfirinas solubles en agua 

    Escudero Rodríguez, Carlos (Date of defense: 2007-12-18)

    Esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo general el estudio de los procesos de agregación de porfirinas sulfonadas amfifílicas. <br/><br/>En el primer capítulo se presentan los trabajos dirigidos a la obtención de porfirinas ...

    Homogeneïtat i heterogeneïtat en la forma de govern municipal 

    Pano Puey, Esther (Date of defense: 2017-09-29)

    Aquesta tesi doctoral analitza el funcionament del sistema i la forma de govern municipal des d’una doble vessant. D’una banda, s’analitzen les teories clàssiques de la forma de govern per tal de poder construir un aparell ...

    Homology Stability for Spaces of Surfaces 

    Cantero Morán, Federico (Date of defense: 2013-07-03)

    In this thesis we study the space of compact connected oriented genus g subsurfaces of a fixed manifold M, and in particular its homological properties. We construct a “scanning map” which compares this space to the space ...

    Homotopical Aspects of Mixed Hodge Theory 

    Cirici, Joana (Date of defense: 2012-06-23)

    In the present work, we analyse the categories of mixed Hodge complexes and mixed Hodge diagrams of differential graded algebras in these two directions: we prove the existence of both a Cartan-Eilenberg structure, via the ...

    Homòmers i heteròmers dels receptors D(2) de dopamina: implicacions funcionals a l'estriat 

    Bonaventura, Jordi (Date of defense: 2012-10-31)

    Els receptors acoblats a proteïna G són la diana d'una gran part dels fàrmacs en ús i en desenvolupament. L'homomerització i l'heteromerització entre GPCR és un concepte cada cop més acceptat dins la comunitat científica. ...

    Homólogos de moléculas co-señalizadoras codificadas por herpesvirus 

    Poblador Bonet, Francesc (Date of defense: 2022-12-22)

    [spa] Los virus de ADN de gran tamaño, como son los herpesvirus, contienen una gran cantidad de material genético aun sin caracterizar. Estos virus han desarrollado múltiples estrategias que les permiten evadir la acción ...

    Hongos calicioides en la Península Ibérica 

    Muñiz Pérez, Diana (Date of defense: 2013-10-29)

    Los hongos calicioides es un grupo artificial de hongos, liquenizados y no-liquenizados, que se incluían dentro del antiguo orden Caliciales, y que ahora se mantienen agrupados debido la similar morfología de sus apotecios ...

    El horizonte como forma simbólica en las artes 

    Marcos Guardiola, Mª Carmen (Date of defense: 2014-07-03)

    En la Introducción se resume el significado de la voz "horizonte" y su papel en la visión y en la percepción del espacio físico. En el desarrollo argumental se recogen algunos significados y formas gráficas del horizonte ...

    Hormonal and nutritional regulation of muscle growth and development in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) = Regulación endocrina y nutricional del crecimiento y desarrollo muscular en dorada (Sparus aurata) 

    Vélez, Emilio J. (Date of defense: 2018-04-10)

    In the Mediterranean region the increasing of competitiveness of the aquaculture industry is of great interest, especially in the case of gilthead sea bream. With the ultimate purpose of optimizing the aquaculture production ...

    Hormonas tiroideas en el suero de niños sanos y malnutridos 

    Planas i Rosselló, Joana M. (Date of defense: 1977-12-21)

    Debido a la gran incidencia de la malnutrición en nuestra sociedad y a la importancia de la función tiroidea sobre el desarrollo físico e intelectual del niño se aborda en esta Memoria el estudio de las variaciones de la ...

    How are adult skills acquired? Three comparative essays based on PIAAC 

    Scandurra, Rosario Ivano (Date of defense: 2016-11-18)

    This thesis deals with how adult skills are acquired. The proxies of adult skills used throughout the thesis are extracted from the Programme of International Assessment of Adult Skills (PIAAC), a survey coordinated by the ...

    How Changing Party Systems Shape the Functioning of Democracy 

    Ferrer Juan, Sergi (Date of defense: 2022-11-18)

    [eng] Party systems have become increasingly complex in the last decades. Although they are one of the cornerstones of liberal democracies, there is still little agreement in the literature as to whether different ...

    How cosmology can help and benefit from other areas of physics 

    Valcin, David (Date of defense: 2021-09-28)

    CONTEXT: The current ΛCDM cosmological paradigm has seen remarkable success in recent decades (whether it is the discovery of the CMB, the formation of large-scale structures, the expansion of the universe etc.). Like any ...

    How does the store flyer design and content features influence consumer behavior? 

    Prediger, Maciel (Date of defense: 2019-11-15)

    Store flyers have an extraordinary importance to marketing management and contribute to a retailer's performance (Ziliani and Ieva, 2015). They influence the intentions to visit a store, affect the purchase of advertised ...