Presencia de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación en el aula de inglés de secundaria: Descripción del marco contextual y análisis de la motivación de los alumnos, La 

    Martínez Rico, Patricia-María (Fecha de defensa: 2006-06-30)

    Esta Tesis tiene dos grandes objetivos. En primer lugar, ofrecer una descripción de la sociedad actual en relación con las TIC, y de éstas con la enseñanza, para seguidamente comprobar por medio de un estudio experimental, ...

    Reterritorialising the Caribbean: Marching alongside Earl Lovelace 

    Grau Perejoan, Maria (Fecha de defensa: 2015-05-15)

    This study revolves around the figure of Caribbean writer Earl Lovelace. The thesis demonstrates that the emphasis on the deterritorialisation of the Caribbean region and the focus on transnationalism has meant that what ...

    Second Language Anxiety and Task Complexity 

    Brennan, Kerry Anne (Fecha de defensa: 2016-12-16)

    Throughout history there has been tremendous debate about what comprises the best methods and approaches to foreign or second language (L2) teaching and learning, without any decisive universal conclusions. Since the 1980s, ...

    Task Complexity and L2 Narrative Oral Production 

    Gilabert Guerrero, Roger (Fecha de defensa: 2005-01-21)

    This study explores the impact of manipulating Task Complexity simultaneously along both pre-task planning time and the degree of displaced, past time reference on L2 narrative oral production. By drawing on consolidated ...

    Task complexity as mediated by proficiency, working memory, and attention: Competition for cognitive resources during L2 oral task performance 

    Pownall Graumann, James William (Fecha de defensa: 2016-12-02)

    Drawing on known language learning processes, principles behind language course syllabus design, and previous second language acquisition research, Long introduced the concept of task-based language teaching (TBLT) in 1985. ...

    Teachers' Reactions to Foreign Language Learner Output 

    Vicente-Rasoamalala, Leticia (Fecha de defensa: 2009-12-23)

    OF THE DISSERTATION:<br/><br/>"Teachers' Reactions to Foreign Language Learner Output"<br/><br/>BY: Leticia Vicente-Rasoamalala<br/><br/>TEXT:<br/><br/>A series of theoretical and practical educational studies have suggested ...

    The Acquisition of English by Immigrant School Learners in Catalonia: Affective Variables and Cross-linguistic Influence 

    Ciruela Castillo, Carmen (Fecha de defensa: 2014-06-20)

    Research on the acquisition of English by immigrants is abundant when it takes place in second language (SL) contexts. However, few studies deal with immigrant learners’ acquisition of English as a foreign language (EFL). ...

    The Embodied Basis of Discourse Coherence 

    Castaño Castaño, Emilia (Fecha de defensa: 2012-11-09)

    This doctoral dissertation investigates the corporeal basis of global and local coherence. As far as global coherence is concerned, the main argument of this thesis is that the search for global coherence is often guided ...

    The role of motivation in the learning of English as a foreign language 

    Bernaus, Mercè (Fecha de defensa: 1992-04-01)

    La principal hipótesis que se plantea en esta tesis es que la motivación influye en el aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera. Otra de las hipótesis planteadas es que el entorno socio-cultural y/o el profesor pueden ...

    The Role of Task Complexity and Task Sequencing in L2 Monologic Oral Production 

    Malicka, Aleksandra (Fecha de defensa: 2014-10-24)

    In the domain of task-based language teaching (TBLT), researchers have long been interested in exploring the impact of internal task features and conditions on a range of outcomes, such as the occurrence and frequency of ...

    The role of task sequencing in L2 development as mediated by working memory capacity 

    Levkina, Mayya (Fecha de defensa: 2014-02-28)

    The present dissertation was inspired by the increasing interest in task sequencing in L2 syllabus design, on the one hand, and the lack of empirical studies, on the other hand, where task sequencing and its effects on L2 ...

    The structuring of language-learning tasks 

    Tragant Mestres, Elsa (Fecha de defensa: 1994-10-14)

    One of the roles who teachers have is that of organizer of activity and in subject matters that are rather practical by nature, like the teaching of a foreign language is, this role as elicitor of activity is even more ...

    "This is just a story": la ficción como verdad en la obra de Tim O'Brien 

    Alsina, Cristina (Fecha de defensa: 2006-09-26)

    Esta tesis analiza la relación entre ficción y efectos de verdad en la obra del novelista contemporáneo Tim O'Brien y examina la reflexión implícita en dicha obra en torno al concepto de verdad. Pondera, además, el efecto ...

    Time Distribution and the Acquisition of English as a Foreign Language 

    Serrano Serrano, Raquel (Fecha de defensa: 2007-11-23)

    The purpose of the present dissertation is to investigate the effect of time distribution of practice (or instruction hours) on the acquisition of English as a foreign language. The general objective is to have an overall ...

    Traducciones del franquismo en el mercado literario español contemporáneo: el caso de Jane Eyre de Juan G. De Luaces 

    Ortega Sáez, M. (Marta) (Fecha de defensa: 2013-07-12)

    Esta tesis doctoral explora las traducciones de literatura en lengua inglesa producidas en el franquismo todavía comercializándose en la actualidad y analiza el impacto que ejercen en el lector contemporáneo. En particular ...

    Traduccions de Wagner al català, Les. "La Walkiria". 

    Buj Casanova, Anna M. (Fecha de defensa: 2007-06-27)

    L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi doctoral és analitzar i valorar les traduccions adaptades a la música de l'obra de Richard Wagner "Die Walküre" al català. La tesi s'ha estructurat partint de les característiques sonores, tant ...

    La transposició escènica: el procés de traducció i producció de "Gust de Mel" i "Les alegres casades de Windsor" 

    Espasa, Eva, 1966- (Fecha de defensa: 1997-12-05)

    [cat] Aquest treball parteix de l'estudi de la traducció teatral com a procés: la transposició escènica de la traducció, o sigui, l'evolució del text dramàtic traduït en relació amb una posada en escena concreta. Els canvis ...

    Working-class Culture and Work as portrayed in Texts and Films of Alan Sillitoe´s "Saturday Night and Sunday Morning" and "The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner" 

    Keady, Stephen (Fecha de defensa: 2008-01-18)

    My aim is to recreate from the texts and films the world which is shown, and then examine it in order to demonstrate a number of points. I hope to show that there is such a phenomenon as an English working class, and that ...