Modelling SEP events: latitudinal and longitudinal dependence of the injection rate of shock-accelerated protons and their flux profiles 

    Rodríguez Gasén, Rosa (Fecha de defensa: 2011-05-06)

    Gradual SEP events is one of the greatest hazards in space environment, particularly for the launch and operation of spacecraft and for manned exploration. Predictions of their occurrence and intensity are essential to ...

    The keV-TeV connection in gamma-ray binaries 

    Zabalza de Torres, Victor (Fecha de defensa: 2011-05-13)

    Gamma-ray binaries are systems that comprise a young, massive star and a compact object that can be either a young pulsar or a black hole. They emit radiation from radio up to tens of TeV and show flux variability along ...

    Modelització i simulació fotoquímica mesoscalar del transport del material particulat i gasos a l’atmosfera 

    Arasa Agudo, Raúl (Fecha de defensa: 2011-07-20)

    Durant les últimes dècades la quantitat de gasos i partícules contaminants que s’han injectat a l’atmosfera ha augmentat considerablement. Evidència d’aquesta informació són les elevades concentracions de diòxid de nitrogen ...

    Large scale structure with Lyman-alpha absorption surveys 

    Font Ribera, Andreu (Fecha de defensa: 2011-09-30)

    [cat] Gran part dels estudis presentats en aquesta tesi doctoral estan vinculats als esforços per detectar les oscil·lacions acústiques dels barions (BAO, de l’anglès Baryon Acoustic Oscillations) en la funció de correlació ...

    Fotometría óptica desde el espacio: la cámara OMC a bordo de INTEGRAL 

    Domingo Garau, Albert (Fecha de defensa: 2011-11-24)

    El trabajo que presentamos en esta tesis tiene como finalidad la operación, calibración y análisis de datos ópticos del instrumento OMC (Optical Monitoring Camera) a bordo del satélite INTEGRAL (INTErnational Gamma-Ray ...

    The star-forming core ahead of HH 80N: studying the interaction with a parsec scale jet 

    Masqué Saumell, Josep Maria (Fecha de defensa: 2012-03-23)

    The region GGD 27, located in Sagittarius at a distance of 1.7 kpc, is an active star forming region. The most well-known observational signature of this region, the HH 80/81/80N jet, is one of the largest collimated jet ...

    Implementing the Gaia Astrometric Solution 

    O'Mullane, William (Fecha de defensa: 2012-03-23)

    As is the way with books in general this document is presented in the form of chapters (seven in number) devoted to individual topics relating to the overall topic of Gaia astrometric data processing. We progress logically ...

    Ciclogénesis intensas en la cuenca occidental del Mediterráneo y temperatura superficial del mar: Modelización y evaluación de las áreas de recarga 

    Pastor Guzmán, Francisco Juan (Fecha de defensa: 2012-06-08)

    Una característica propia de las precipitaciones en el área del Mediterráneo Occidental es la torrencialidad. En el marco de unas precipitaciones anuales no muy abundantes, típicas del clima mediterráneo, se registran ...

    Magnetized Dense Cores. Observational characterization and comparison with models 

    Frau Méndez, Pau (Fecha de defensa: 2012-06-12)

    It is some observational evidence that dense cores are the birthplace of low-mass stars. These regions, apparently quiescent, are capable of surviving several free-fall times and, potentially, collapse and form stars. ...

    Structure and nature of gamma-ray binaries by means of VLBI observations 

    Moldón Vara, Francisco Javier (Fecha de defensa: 2012-07-05)

    Gamma-ray binaries are extreme systems that produce non-thermal emission from radio to very-high-energy (above TeV) gamma rays, with the energy output in the spectral energy distribution (SED) dominated by the MeV–GeV ...

    Galaxy evolution: A new version of the Besançon Galaxy Model constrained with Tycho data 

    Czekaj, Maria A. (Fecha de defensa: 2012-10-22)

    The understanding of the origin and evolution of the Milky Way is one of the primary goals of the Gaia mission (ESA, launch autumn 2013). In order to study and analyse fully the Gaia data it will be useful to have a Galaxy ...

    The use of Java in large scientific applications in HPC environments 

    Fries, Aidan (Fecha de defensa: 2013-01-21)

    Java is a very commonly used computer programming language, although its use amongst the scientific and High Performance Computing (HPC) communities remains relatively low. In this thesis, the option of using Java for ...

    Tracing the Perseus spiral arm in the anticenter direction 

    Monguió i Montells, Maria (Fecha de defensa: 2013-11-22)

    The main purpose of this thesis is to map the radial variation of the stellar density for the young stellar population in the Galactic anticenter direction in order to understand the structure and location of the Perseus ...

    Study of Adaptive Optics Images by means of Multiscalar Transforms 

    Baena Gallé, Roberto (Fecha de defensa: 2013-12-09)

    Adaptive optics (AO) systems are used to increase the spatial resolution achieved by ground-based telescopes, which are limited by the atmospheric motion of air layers above them. Therefore, the real cut-off frequency is ...

    High energy processes in young stellar objects and high-mass X-ray binaries 

    Munar i Adrover, Pere (Fecha de defensa: 2014-03-28)

    The high energy astrophysics, specifically the gamma-ray astrophysics, studies the processes that cannot be caused by hot matter but by other mechanisms colled non thermaland processes, which involve matter with energies ...

    The evolution of the Brewer-Dobson circulation and the ozone layer during the last three decades 

    Ossó Castillón, Albert (Fecha de defensa: 2014-07-10)

    In 1985 Joseph Farman and his colleagues of the British Antarctic Survey published a paper [Farman et al. 1985] showing that the total ozone content of the atmosphere during the Antarctic spring had decreased dramatically ...

    Milky Way-like galaxy simulations in the Gaia era: disk large scale structures and baryonic content 

    Roca Fàbrega, Santi (Fecha de defensa: 2014-11-26)

    Simulations have shown to be one of the best tools to study properties of galactic large scale structures and their effects on to the local kinematics of stars. The aims of this thesis are: i) To obtain realistic N-body ...

    Modelització de precipitacions intenses en zones d'orografia complexa: casos d'estudi al Pirineu Oriental 

    Trapero i Bagué, Laura (Fecha de defensa: 2014-12-03)

    Els episodis de precipitació intensa en zones de muntanya sovint es veuen afavorits pels efectes orogràfics que actuen com a mecanismes que modifiquen la precipitació. Aquest treball vol contribuir a millorar el coneixement ...

    Physics of the Intergalactic Medium: a Study of the Power Spectrum ot the Lyman Alpha Forest and the Metal Content of Damped Lyman Alpha Systems 

    Ariño i Prats, Andreu (Fecha de defensa: 2015-02-03)

    El Medi Intergalàctic permet una caracterització de propietats bàsiques de l'univers tals com paràmetres fonamentals del model cosmològic, el creixement de pertorbacions primordials de densitat i formació de galàxies. ...

    On the characterisation of the Galactic warp in the Gaia era 

    Abedi, Hoda (Fecha de defensa: 2015-02-27)

    We explore the possibility of detecting and characterising the warp of the stellar disc of our Galaxy using synthetic Gaia data and two available proper motion catalogues namely UCAC4 and PPMXL. We develop a new kinematic ...