Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 51

    Nutrient-mediated regulation of AMPAR receptors’ trafficking through the malonyl-CoA – CPT1C axis 

    Rojas Martín, Rocío (Fecha de defensa: 2023-12-22)

    Actualment hi ha un creixent interès en l'impacte de les dietes en la cognició. És àmpliament conegut que el cervell requereix una gran quantitat d'energia per dur a terme les seves funcions vitals. La gran majoria d'aquesta ...

    Development of C75-CoA loaded polymeric micelles targeting brain CPT1A: A novel nanomedicine-based approach to fight obesity and cancer 

    García-Chica, Jesús (Fecha de defensa: 2023-12-01)

    Brain lipid metabolism has a key role in many physiological processes, and its malfunction is associated with a plethora of diseases, such as obesity and glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1A ...

    CPT1C-ABHD6 interaction in hypothalamic neurons: implications for bis (monoacylglycero) phosphate metabolism and the endolysosomal system 

    Reguera Moreno, Ana Cristina (Fecha de defensa: 2023-12-04)

    El sistema endolisosomal juga un paper crític en la funció neuronal i ha emergit com a un potencial objectiu per al tractament de diverses malalties neuronals, com els trastorns neurodegeneratius i fins i tot l'obesitat. ...

    Evaluation of biomarkers for studying new challenges in tobacco control 

    Pérez - Martín, Hipólito (Fecha de defensa: 2023-11-17)

    El tabaquismo es reconocido a nivel global como un factor de riesgo significativo para la salud pública y una de las principales causas de muertes prevenibles. España ha implementado políticas de control del tabaco con el ...

    La cronicidad en enfermedad mental: políticas y modelos de atención integrados y centrados en las personas y la comunidad 

    Amo Mora, Isabel (Fecha de defensa: 2023-09-09)

    La creciente prevalencia de enfermedades mentales y cronicidad orgánica genera una comorbilidad con impacto en la salud, calidad de vida y eficiencia de los modelos de atención. Se necesita un enfoque multidisciplinario ...

    Characterization of new mutations in transferrin, DMT1 and SEC23B causing rare iron metabolism-related diseases; and the discovery of RACGAP1 as the gene responsible for autosomal recessive congenital dyserythropoietic anaemia type III 

    Romero Cortadellas, Lídia (Fecha de defensa: 2023-09-22)

    Iron is a biometal involved in many physiological processes that are essential for life. Iron metabolism is a complex and tightly regulated process both at the systemic and cellular level. Proper iron homeostasis relies ...

    Desarrollo de nuevos métodos para el análisis del polifosfato en células humanas 

    Sarrias Giménez, Ana (Fecha de defensa: 2023-07-19)

    Nombre / Nom / Name Ana Apellidos / Cognoms / Surname Sarrias Giménez Dirección de correo electrónico / Adreça de correu electrònic / email address (opcional / optional) Departamento / Departament ...

    Development of sol-gel silica-based 3D printable materials with tunable degradation, mechanical properties and drug release capacity for tissue engineering 

    Rodríguez González, Raquel (Fecha de defensa: 2023-02-07)

    The bone is a very complex organ that participates in multiple critical functions for the human body. Bone can be affected by different health issues, such as physical trauma or tumor, and the body cannot regenerate large ...

    Development of novel bioinks formulations based on supramolecular self-assembled hydrogels for tissue regeneration. 

    Merino Gómez, María (Fecha de defensa: 2023-04-21)

    The field of tissue engineering relies on the use of biomaterials as scaffolds for tissue and organ regeneration. If properly designed, these scaffolds can mimic the in vivo microenvironment while also providing initial ...

    CPT1c in specific hypothalamic nuclei and its role in lipid sensing and metabolic adaptation 

    Fosch Masllovet, Anna (Fecha de defensa: 2022-07-28)

    Obesity has become a pandemic disease in the last 40 years. The WHO estimates that the population with overweight has nearly tripled since 1975, and the tendency is still growing. These data have an impact on health and ...

    G1-Cdk modulation by time and stress 

    Pérez Paredes, Alexis E. (Fecha de defensa: 2022-07-22)

    The cell cycle is regulated at different layers of control in either homeostatic or non-homeostatic conditions. Hence, in this work we analyse how time and stress modulate the cell cycle through the activity of the G1 ...

    Iron Regulatory Protein/Iron Responsive Element (IRP/IRE) system: associated diseases and new target mRNAs (PPP1R1B) 

    Celma Nos, Ferran (Fecha de defensa: 2022-05-17)

    Iron is a biometal involved in many physiological processes essential for life. Regulation of both systemic and cellular iron homeostasis is crucial for health. The IRP/IRE post-transcriptional regulatory system is in ...

    Análisis de la respuesta neuromuscular y la proyección del ángulo de la rodilla en el plano frontal en sujetos físicamente activos: implicaciones para la lesión de ligamento cruzado anterior 

    Llurda Almuzara, Luis (Fecha de defensa: 2022-07-12)

    La lesión de ligamento cruzado anterior es una de las lesiones más devastadoras en el ámbito deportivo. El valgo dinámico de rodilla durante el gesto deportivo puede ser uno de los mecanismos más comunes en la lesión del ...

    Estudi de la ciclina atípica CCNI com a potencial activador de CDK6 en línies de càncer de mama 

    Masip Sales, Núria (Fecha de defensa: 2022-01-27)

    Fa quasi 40 anys del descobriment de les ciclines, les proteïnes oscil·lants tradicionalment dividies en dos grups, “cicle cel·lular” i “ciclines transcripcionals”, que duen a terme els seus rols juntament amb la seva ...

    The role of forgiveness in disclosure and victim suport after a patient safety incident 

    Martos Algarra, Carla (Fecha de defensa: 2022-01-21)

    In the healthcare field, we know patient safety incidents are unfortunate events that occur. Two groups are affected by these incidents: Patients become first victims and the professionals involved turn into second victims. ...

    Uso de pantallas y su relación con la salud de la población infantil española. 

    Cartanyà Hueso, Áurea (Fecha de defensa: 2021-07-05)

    Debido a la gran variedad, la fácil accesibilidad y portabilidad de los dispositivos de pantalla, además, de la amplia oferta de contenido multimedia, el tiempo de pantalla ha pasado a ser un aspecto muy importante en ...

    Role of CPT1C in breast cancer development and chemoresistance 

    Muley Vilamú, Helena (Fecha de defensa: 2021-07-02)

    Carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1 (CPT1) are enzymes that catalyze the conversion of long-chain acyl-CoA to acyl-carnitines, to transport long-chain fatty acids across intracellular membranes. CPT1C isoform is highly ...

    Modulation of the inflammatory response using a guided bone regeneration membrane with dual drug delivery capacity 

    Díez Tercero, Leire (Fecha de defensa: 2021-06-08)

    Bone is a complex and dynamic tissue that fulfills several critical functions such as protecting vital organs including the brain, heart and lungs; providing sites of attachment for muscles to allow movement and maintaining ...

    CDK-mediated phosphorylation of Yku80 and its role in DNA repair 

    Carballar Ruiz, María de los Reyes (Fecha de defensa: 2021-02-25)

    DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are considered the most deleterious lesions of DNA and they are repaired by means of two main mechanisms: homologous recombination (HR) and non-homologous endjoining (NHEJ). These mechanisms ...


    Giordano, Ana Bárbara (Fecha de defensa: 2021-02-19)

    Nowadays, the most common solution to maintain the teeth of patients that have suffered from a traumatism or a profound caries and have ended with root canal infection is to perform a root canal treatment. For this purpose, ...