Ara mostrant els elements 24-26 de 26

    Viabilitat econòmica i política de la defensa europea 

    Ferrer i Junqué, Xavier (Data de defensa: 2008-03-11)

    1) Introducció, hipòtesi, objectius i metodologia:<br/><br/>Es parteix de la hipòtesi de la necessitat d'una defensa europea, basada en la demanda ciutadana a partir de les dades ofereix l'Eurobaròmetre, al que estableixen ...

    Water and clean energy services in developing countries: Regulation and evaluation of universal service policies 

    Sanz Fernández, Àlex (Data de defensa: 2016-01-11)

    In this thesis I analyze access problems to basic services like water and energy in developing countries. The objective of the thesis is to show how to improve access to water services and clean energies in rural communities ...

    Working conditions and health: Evidence on inequalities in Spain 

    Solé Juvés, Meritxell (Data de defensa: 2014-05-12)

    This thesis is concerned with the relationship between disability and working conditions. In the first two chapters we investigate how past and current working conditions, in conjunction with other socio-demographic ...