Now showing items 1053-1072 of 1297

    Sickness absence trajectories and its relationship with prior Labour Market Participation patterns : a life course approach 

    Hernando Rodríguez, Julio César (Date of defense: 2020-11-20)

    Background: Previous studies have focused on analysing specific labour market situations and their relationship with sickness absence (SA). However, little is known about the relationship between mobility between different ...

    Signaling networks regulated by the kinase p38α in cancer cell homeostasis 

    Dan, Yuzhen (Date of defense: 2022-02-24)

    p38α (encoded by MAPK14) is a major regulator of cellular responses to almost all types of environmental and intracellular stresses. Upon activation, p38α phosphorylates various substrates both in the cytoplasm and nucleus, ...

    Signalling mechanisms involved in memory function : focus on the effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol 

    Galera López, Lorena (Date of defense: 2021-09-22)

    Memory is a physiological brain function crucial for adaptive behaviour of individuals. Memory alterations are described as impairments in the processes by which memory is perceived, encoded, consolidated, retrieved, or ...

    Signalling of ciclyn o complexes through EIF2alpha phosphorylation 

    Ortet Cortada, Laura (Date of defense: 2010-06-04)

    We have identified a novel Cyclin, called Cyclin O, which is able to bind and activate Cdk2 in response to intrinsic apoptotic stimuli. We have focused on the study of Cyclin Oα and Cyclin Oβ, alternatively spliced ...

    Signalling pathways activated by inflammatory cytokines can regulate genes involved in gastric carcinogenesis 

    Cobler Moncunill, Lara (Date of defense: 2013-09-09)

    The infection of gastric mucosa by Helicobacter pylori is a key step in the initiation and evolution to gastric adenocarcinomas. Prolonged infection promotes the infiltration of inflammatory cells and subsequent increased ...

    Single molecule localization microscopy reveals DNA compaction and nascent RNA structure in vivo 

    Castells García, Àlvaro (Date of defense: 2019-07-01)

    Chromatin organization and gene expression are interdependent. Previously, our group showed that nucleosomes form groups, termed clutches, whose size correlates with cell state. In this thesis, we carried out 3D, 2-color ...

    Sinusoid-lining cells are novel myeloid-endothelial innate cells that form splenic niches for marginal zone B cell activation and plasma cell survival 

    Barra Quaglia, Carolina M. (Date of defense: 2014-10-06)

    Los sinusoides del bazo humano promueven la lenta percolación de la sangre, favoreciendo la captura de antígeno por los fagocitos y linfocitos del sistema inmune local. Estratégicamente posicionadas delimitando los ...

    Sistemas cannabinoide y purinérgico: posibles sustratos neurobiológicos de la drogadicción 

    Soria Rodríguez, Guadalupe (Date of defense: 2006-06-21)

    La adicción es un trastorno crónico de la conducta caracterizado por la búsqueda y el consumo compulsivos de la droga, la pérdida de control para limitar dicho consumo, a aparición de un estado emocional negativo cuando ...

    Sistemàtica molecular, filogeografia i genètica de la conservació de mustèlids i macacs 

    Marmi Plana, Josep Maria (Date of defense: 2006-06-23)

    Els treballs realitzats en aquesta tesi tenen com objectius l'aplicació de la sistemàtica molecular i la filogeografia per resoldre relacions filogenètiques, clarificar la taxonomia i descriure la història de les poblacions ...

    Skeletal muscle aging: stem cell function and tissue homeostasis 

    Victor, Pedro Sousa (Date of defense: 2012-02-27)

    Muscle aging, in particular, is characterized by the reduction of tissue mass and function, which are particularly prominent in geriatric individuals undergoing sarcopenia. The age-associated muscle wasting is also associated ...

    Sleep in the preclinical stages of Alzheimer's disease: a multimodal biomarkers approach 

    Stankeviciute, Laura (Date of defense: 2023-12-12)

    This Thesis delves into the intricate relationship between sleep disruptions and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Sleep disturbances are a prevalent feature of AD, and evidence suggests they may accelerate cognitive decline. ...

    Snail controls TGFB responsiveness and diferentiation of MS cells 

    Batlle Gómez, Raquel (Date of defense: 2011-12-19)

    The Snail1 transcriptional repressor is a key factor responsible in triggering epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Although Snail1 is widely expressed in early development, it is limited in adult animals to a subset of ...

    Snail1 - the architect behind the matrix . Novel roles in desmoplastic microenvironments 

    Stanisavljević, Jelena (Date of defense: 2014-07-17)

    Carcinomas initiate their invasion hijacking the innate plasticity of both epithelial cells and mesenchymal stromal cells in a reciprocal way. Chemical and mechanical dialogue between stromal fibroblasts and carcinoma cells ...

    Snail1 controls telomere integrity and transcription and telomerase expression 

    Gonzàlez Busqué, Núria (Date of defense: 2017-09-18)

    Snail1 transcription factor is the key inducer of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Here, we describe a novel role for Snail1 on the regulation of telomere integrity and transcription as well as telomerase ...

    Snail1 expression in mesenchimal cells promotes tumorigenesis and tumor progression 

    Alba Castellón, Lorena (Date of defense: 2016-02-17)

    Snail transcription factor 1 triggers epithelial to mesenchymal transition. In cancer, this process provides tumoral epithelial cells with invasive characteristics. In this thesis, we demonstrated that the function of ...

    Sobrepeso, obesidad y conductas relacionadas con la salud en adolescentes de Barcelona 

    Continente Garcia, Xavier (Date of defense: 2016-10-18)

    El sobrepeso y la obesidad infantojuvenil es uno de los principales problemas de salud pública en el siglo XXI debido principalmente a su elevada prevalencia a nivel mundial y al alto impacto que puede tener sobre la ...

    Social and environmental determinants of neuropsychological development from birth to preadolescence 

    Forns i Guzman, Joan (Date of defense: 2012-04-03)

    Introduction Neuropsychological development is a genetically guided process which is continuously modified by socio-environmental factors. This thesis aimed to study the main socio-environmental determinants of ...

    Social determinants of health and the health system of Mozambique : Towards a comprehensive analysis of health inequalities 

    Llop Gironés, Alba (Date of defense: 2018-11-21)

    The present thesis aims to give a critical overview of the health care and health inequalities for the Mozambican case. The thesis is divided into four articles, two of them are quantitative articles analysing data from ...

    Socio-environmental exposures and neurodevelopmental disorders 

    Suades González, Elisabet (Date of defense: 2018-05-15)

    Introduction The influence of the environment, and its interplay with genetics, can account for up to half of the variance of neurodevelopmental disorders. In this thesis we reviewed previous literature on air pollution ...

    Socioeconomic inequalities in sexual and reproductives health in Spain 

    Ruiz Muñoz, Dolores (Date of defense: 2013-02-28)

    The general objective of this dissertation was to study the state of sexual and reproductive health of the Spanish population in reproductive age, especially focusing on individual and contextual socioeconomic inequalities. ...