Ara mostrant els elements 21-40 de 1297

    Actividad física y tolerancia al ejercicio en fibrosis pulmonar idiopática 

    Badenes Bonet, Diana (Data de defensa: 2022-02-23)

    Introducción: Se comparó la oxigenoterapia de alto flujo (OAF) vs. oxigenoterapia convencional (OC) en el tiempo de resistencia (Tlim) de pacientes con FPI y desaturación al esfuerzo. Se estudiaron los predictores de ...

    Adaptación y validación del "Questionnaire for Assessing the Childbirth Experience (QACE)" en mujeres españolas 

    Rodríguez Coll, Pablo (Data de defensa: 2021-06-29)

    El "Questionnaire for Assessing the Childbirth Experience (QACE)" busca identificar mujeres con una experiencia negativa del parto y evitar que tenga repercusiones en siguientes embarazos o en su relación de pareja. El ...

    Adaptations in cancer: a molecular and mechanistic rewiring 

    Ghose, Ritobrata (Data de defensa: 2024-02-02)

    Cancer cells are constantly subject to complex stresses in the tumour microenvironment. These stresses encapsulate a wide array of challenging stimuli from physical and mechanical forces to interference in major mechanistic ...

    Adaptive history of the chimpanzee subspecies in the genomic era 

    Nye, Jessica (Data de defensa: 2018-12-17)

    Although universal and unavoidable, aging does not occur in a uniform way. In this dissertation, we assessed the effects of early life exposure to pro-inflammatory risk factors (air pollution and obesity) on mitochondrial ...

    Adaptive NKG2C+ NK cells and cytomegalovirus infection in kidney transplant recipients 

    Ataya Fernández, Michelle (Data de defensa: 2021-03-17)

    Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in kidney transplant recipients (KTR) is frequent and may reduce graft and patient survival. T lymphocytes are essential to control the virus, which promotes the adaptive differentiation of ...

    Addressing functional and evolutionary implications of microRNA variation at the DNA and RNA levels in primates 

    Gallego Jiménez, Alicia (Data de defensa: 2016-11-14)

    microRNAs are small non-coding RNAs with crucial roles in gene regulation and whose contribution to animal evolution has been largely demonstrated. In this thesis we explored some functional consequences of microRNA sequence ...

    Adjuvant dendritic mesoporous silica nanoparticles as sustained delivery system for peptide-based vaccine 

    An, Weiteng (Data de defensa: 2021-04-14)

    Peptide-based vaccines have raised as an attractive alternative strategy to overcome many of the limitations of conventional vaccines. Some drawbacks for an optimal immune response in vivo are, a poor immunogenicity, ...

    Administració d'Oxitocina durant el part en dones de baix risc a Catalunya : resultats materns i neonatals 

    Espada Trespalacios, Fco. Javier (Data de defensa: 2022-02-04)

    Des de fa anys l'atenció al part està perseguint la fita d'aconseguir donar una assistència més humana i fisiològica a tot el procés, s'han creat guies de pràctica clínica, grups de treball, estratègies nacionals, etc., ...

    Adressing Neandertal evolutionary genetics at three different resolution levels : admixture with modern humans, demography and social structure 

    Sánchez Quinto, Federico A (Data de defensa: 2014-11-28)

    Almost 20 years of Neandertal paleogenetics studies have significantly increased our knowledge about their evolutionary history. The analysis of DNA recovered from Neandertal remains to date, suggest that although they ...

    Advanced microscopy to resolve the higher-order organization of the exocyst 

    Puig Tintó, Marta (Data de defensa: 2023-05-02)

    The exocyst is an heterooctameric protein complex that tethers secretory vesicles to the plasma membrane during exocytosis. Each exocytic event is mediated by 10-15 exocysts. However, how multiple exocysts organize in time ...

    Affective disorders and neuropathic pain as mutually influential factors : contribution of the opioid system 

    Martínez Navarro, Miriam (Data de defensa: 2019-01-18)

    La alta variabilidad interindividual en las manifestaciones de dolor neuropático puede conducir a una respuesta diferencial de los pacientes a los tratamientos, y sugiere la idoneidad de terapias más personalizadas en lugar ...

    Air pollution exposure, and child's neuropsychological and neurobiological development 

    Lubczyńska, Małgorzata Joanna (Data de defensa: 2020-02-18)

    Air pollution is a major public health concern, leading to worldwide morbidity and premature mortality. In the recent years, exposure to air pollution has also been linked to neurological and neuropsychological diseases, ...

    Air pollution, brain health and citizen science 

    Gignac, Florence (Data de defensa: 2022-07-07)

    The short-term effects of air pollution on brain health have come under investigation only recently. Since environmental health studies are often developed entirely by scientists, citizen science is a promising approach ...

    Alcohol consumption in people aged 50 or older in Europe 

    Bosque Prous, Marina (Data de defensa: 2016-10-07)

    Hazardous drinking in the elderly has become an important public health problem due to the ageing of the population and the fact that alcohol-related consequences are magnified in this age group. However, to date, few ...

    Alignment uncertainty, regressive alignment and large scale deployment 

    Floden, Evan (Data de defensa: 2018-11-30)

    A multiple sequence alignment (MSA) provides a description of the relationship between biological sequences where columns represent a shared ancestry through an implied set of evolutionary events. The majority of research ...

    Alternative mechanisms of gene regulation during hematopoiesis 

    Ullrich, Sebastian (Data de defensa: 2018-12-19)

    Gene regulation orchestrates the development of different cell types and organs from the same genetic blueprint. While the basic mode of gene regulation is driven by transcription factors, there are a variety of other ...

    Alternative splicing dynamics during somatic cell reprogramming 

    Vivori, Claudia (Data de defensa: 2019-02-14)

    Alternative splicing (AS) is a mechanism of post-transcriptional regulation that plays an important role during development and in the maintenance of stem cell pluripotency. The dynamics of AS regulation during somatic ...

    Ambient air pollution and birth outcomes : Insights on exposure determinants and new outcomes 

    Schembari, Anna (Data de defensa: 2014-11-27)

    Recent epidemiological evidence on effect of air pollution and pregnancy outcomes is inconsistent. Differences in study design, sample size, population characteristics, control for confounders, air pollution measurements ...

    An in silico clinical trial platform based on systems biology approaches 

    Jorba Argemí, Guillem (Data de defensa: 2023-04-13)

    El procés de descobriment i desenvolupament de fàrmacs (DDD) és costós tant econòmic com temporalment, i el qual resulta en nivells d'èxit molt reduïts. Una gran quantitat de compostos son analitzats i molts descartats en ...

    An Integrative approach to the systematics and evolution of some selected reptile groups from Arabia 

    Simó Riudalbas , Marc (Data de defensa: 2018-07-20)

    Until relatively recently, many groups of terrestrial reptiles were considered to contain only few species vastly distributed across the Arabian Peninsula. This was mostly the result of the apparent morphological uniformity ...