At the edge of aquatic systems: intermittent streambed microbial communities’ responses to hydrological alterations 

    Gionchetta, Giulia (Fecha de defensa: 2019-10-25)

    Hydrological drought is a process of natural desiccation mainly due to large shortage of rainfall events. Reduced precipitations and prolonged droughts are spreading worldwide and threaten the integrity of aquatic ...

    Diversity, dynamics and activity of Epsilonproteobacteria in a stratified karstic lake. Implications in carbon and sulfur cycles 

    Noguerola Solà, Imma (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-29)

    This doctoral thesis studies the abundance, diversity, seasonal dynamics and activity of Epsilonproteobacteria in a meromictic basin of Lake Banyoles during three year cycles. We applied a complementary array of molecular ...

    Estudi dels carotenoides en espècies marrons de bacteris verds del sofre: diversitat, eco-fisiologia i regulació 

    Mallorquí Fernández, Noemí (Fecha de defensa: 2003-12-11)

    El present treball es centra en l'estudi a diferents nivells dels carotenoides de les espècies marrons de Bacteris Verds del Sofre (GSB, de l'anglès Green Sulfur Bacteria). L'objectiu global ha estat el d'esbrinar quina ...

    Estudio de la red trófica microbiana en lagunas someras: autotrofia versus heterotrofia 

    Àvila Izquierdo, Núria (Fecha de defensa: 2017-05-26)

    Autotrophic and heterotrophic microorganisms are two essential functional units in the microbial food web of aquatic ecosystems. They play a key role in nutrient cycling and carbon flow and influence the structure, composition ...

    Heterogeneïtat pigmentària en bacteris fotosintètics verds: fisiologia i significació ecològica 

    Borrego i Moré, Carles (Fecha de defensa: 1996-11-15)

    Green bacteria possess one of the most complexes antenna systems within the group of the photosynthetic microorganisms. One reason for this complexity is the high diversity of pigments antenna, the bacteriochlorophylls ...

    Impact of chlorophenols and heavy metals on soil microbiota: their effects on activity and community composition, and resistant strains with potential for bioremediation 

    Cáliz Gelador, Joan (Fecha de defensa: 2011-12-13)

    Pollution by toxic compounds is one of the most relevant environmental damages to ecosystems produced by human activity and, therefore, it must be considered in environmental protection and restoration of contaminated ...

    Incidència de microorganismes i de compostos orgànics volàtils en l'aparició de defectes sensorials en suro 

    Prat i Botanch, Chantal (Fecha de defensa: 2010-02-26)

    La incidència sobre el suro de defectes sensorials amb descriptors de florit-humitat és un dels principals problemes amb què s'enfronta la indústria surera. Els principals compostos relacionats amb aquest defecte son ...

    Insights into the distribution and ecological role of members of the archaeal Phylum Bathyarchaeota. From the global to the local scale 

    Fillol Homs, Mireia (Fecha de defensa: 2017-03-23)

    The Phylum Bathyarchaeota is currently one of the most studied uncultured archaeal phyla. Bathyarchaeota are phylogenetically diverse, globally ubiquitous and especially abundant in marine subsurface sediments. Despite ...

    Leaf litter decomposition in Mediterranean streams: microbial processes and responses to drought under current global change scenario 

    Mora Gómez, Juanita (Fecha de defensa: 2014-12-19)

    This thesis studied the principal environmental controlling factors and microbial mechanisms involved in leaf litter decomposition in Mediterranean intermittent streams. Additionally, drought disturbance in both Mediterranean ...

    Microbial communities responses in fluvial biofilms under metal stressed scenarios 

    Argudo Fernández, Maria (Fecha de defensa: 2021-02-08)

    This thesis shows how the metals of natural and anthropic origin change significantly the composition of the prokaryotic communities (mainly the composition of bacteria). The β-diversity is the most sensitive variable to ...

    Nitrifying and denitrifying bacterial communities in the sediment and rhizosphere of a free water surface constructed wetland 

    Ruiz Rueda, Olaya (Fecha de defensa: 2008-06-27)

    La contínua descàrrega de nutrients, sobretot fosfats i nitrogen, és la major causa d'eutrofització dels ecosistemes aquàtics. Els sistemes de tractament basats en aiguamolls construïts s'han emprat per reduir ells nivells ...

    Origin and fate of nitrite in model ecosystems: case studies in groundwater and constructed wetlands 

    Hernández del Amo, Elena (Fecha de defensa: 2019-10-04)

    Nitrogen pollution in water is common in our environment, especially in places affected by agriculture and livestock, industry or wastewater discharge areas. Ammonium and nitrate are the most common pollutants and can be ...

    Phytoplankton dynamic in permanent and temporary waters of Empordà Salt marshes (NE Spain) 

    López i Flores, Rocío (Fecha de defensa: 2005-07-05)

    Se ha estudiado la dinámica del fitoplancton en las lagunas costeras de Aiguamolls de l'Empordà. El fitoplancton esta sujeto principalmente al control "bottom-up", la variabilidad hidrológica y la disponibilidad de nutrientes ...

    Towards the implementation of a biotechnology for biogas upgrading: role of bacteria in siloxane removal 

    Boada Cahueñas, Ellana (Fecha de defensa: 2020-07-20)

    Biogas is a highly recognized alternative to fossil fuels towards a sustainable energy production. Massive use of biogas depends on the removal of contaminants that may affect performance of processing equipment and energy ...

    Where nitrite respiration meets electrotrophy: diversity studies and functional characterization of autotrophic bacterial isolates from bioelectrochemical system 

    Vilar Sanz, Ariadna (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-05)

    Denitrifying biocathodes are used to treat nitrogen contaminated water resources. The present PhD dissertation have been characterized different bacterial families with a relevant role in denitrification process. Different ...