La Universitat de Girona té més de 15.000 estudiants i 1.400 professors. Ofereix uns 50 estudis de grau i més de 20 màsters. S’organitza en 9 centres docents, 1 Escola de Doctorat, 6 centres adscrits. L’activitat de recerca es du a terme en 24 departaments, 12 instituts de recerca i més de 40 càtedres, a més d’un centenar de grups de recerca especialitzat. Té la seu a la ciutat de Girona i s’integra en el sistema d’universitats públiques catalanes.

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Departament d'Arquitectura i Enginyeria de la Construcció [7]

Departament d'Arquitectura i Tecnologia de Computadors [73]

Departament d'Economia [49]

Departament d'Electrònica, Informàtica i Automàtica (fins al 2007) [35]

Departament d'Empresa [20]

Departament d'Enginyeria Elèctrica, Electrònica i Automàtica [34]

Departament d'Enginyeria Industrial (fins al 2001) [2]

Departament d'Enginyeria Mecànica i de la Construcció Industrial [80]

Departament d'Enginyeria Química, Agrària i Tecnologia Agroalimentària [128]

Departament d'Història i Història de l'Art (2009-) [91]

Departament d'Infermeria [45]

Departament d'Informàtica i Matemàtica Aplicada (fins al 2012) [9]

Departament d'Informàtica, Matemàtica Aplicada i Estadística (2013-) [28]

Departament d'Organització, Gestió Empresarial i Disseny de Producte [77]

Departament de Biologia [113]

Departament de Ciències Ambientals [75]

Departament de Ciències Mèdiques [100]

Departament de Didàctiques Específiques [40]

Departament de Dret Privat [43]

Departament de Dret Públic [54]

Departament de Filologia i Comunicació (2009-) [73]

Departament de Filologia i Filosofia (fins al 2009) [16]

Departament de Filosofia (2009-) [13]

Departament de Física [36]

Departament de Geografia (2009- ) [29]

Departament de Geografia, Història i Història de l'Art (fins al 2009) [34]

Departament de Pedagogia [70]

Departament de Psicologia [101]

Departament de Química [144]

Escola Universitària de la Salut i l'Esport (EUSES) [3]

Institut Català de Recerca de l'Aigua (ICRA) [30]

Institut d'Ecologia Aquàtica [54]

Institut d'Informàtica i Aplicacions [29]

Institut de Dret Privat Europeu i Comparat [2]

Institut de Llengua i Cultura Catalanes [14]

Institut de Medi Ambient [74]

Institut de Química Computacional (fins al 2013) [16]

Institut de Química Computacional i Catàlisi (2013- ) [49]

Institut de Recerca Educativa [44]

Institut de Recerca en Turisme (INSETUR) [26]

Institut de Recerca en Visió per Computador i Robòtica [10]

Institut de Recerca Històrica [21]

Institut de Recerca sobre Qualitat de Vida [37]

Institut de Tecnologia Agroalimentària [32]

Envíos recientes

La muntanya a Catalunya: institució moral i negoci turístic. El projecte de Ferrocarriles de Montaña a Grandes Pendientes a Núria (1917-1936) 

Gorini Santo, Carles (Fecha de defensa: 2024-06-19)

The Ferrocarriles de Montaña a Grandes Pendientes (FMGP) projects emerged from the ground of the symbolic construction of the mountains of Catalonia. The Renaixença had transformed them into the cradle of national traditions. ...

Applications of supramolecular nanocapsules: regioselective functionalization of fullerenes and molecular recognition of endohedral metallofullerenes 

Pujals Crusat, Míriam (Fecha de defensa: 2024-06-14)

Since the discovery of fullerenes and endohedral metallofullerenes (EMFs), these spheroidal carbon cages have attracted the attention of the scientific community due to their exceptional electronic and physicochemical ...

Efecto modulador de un estilo de vida activo y del gateo en la relación entre la composición corporal, el sistema cardiopulmonar, la competencia motriz y la condición física en niños y niñas prepuberales sanos 

Cazorla González, Jorge J. (Fecha de defensa: 2024-06-14)

Adopting an active lifestyle from infancy is crucial for long-term health, preventing future diseases, and addressing problems such as overweight and respiratory diseases. Crawling before walking has the potential to ...

Development of constitutive models for the accurate simulation of advanced polymer-based composites under complex loading states 

Ruiz Cózar, Ivan (Fecha de defensa: 2024-06-14)

In recent decades, several meso-scale computational models have been developed for predicting the failure evolution and strength of composite materials. Nevertheless, the complex failure mechanisms of composites pose a ...

Conocimientos y creencias del profesorado de educación primaria para enseñar estadística y probabilidad a partir del enfoque de los itinerarios de enseñanza de las matemáticas 

Franco Seguí, Joan (Fecha de defensa: 2024-06-13)

In recent decades, statistics and probability have acquired greater prominence due to the importance of data analysis and interpretation in an increasingly computerized society. In this sense, different organizations and ...

Electrochemical degradation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) using innovative graphene-based nanostructered materials 

Duinslaeger, Nick (Fecha de defensa: 2024-06-04)

The ubiquitous presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in aquatic environments has emerged as a global concern. PFAS are a group of thousands of human-made chemicals that have been a staple in hundreds of ...

Nueva iniciativa de gestión del uso del suelo (NIGEUS) fundamentada en los enfoques ecosistémico, integrador, participativo y holístico, en el centro-norte de Nicaragua (municipios de Waslala, El Cuá y El Tuma-La Dalia) 

Muñoz Quintero, William (Fecha de defensa: 2024-06-07)

There are approximately 608 million farms in the world, of which 84% are small farms and produce 35% of the world's food. Various training programs have been promoted by different organizations to achieve a more sustainable ...

The flavonolignan silibinin in non-small cell lung cancer: molecular mechanisms and therapeutic relevance 

Verdura Martínez, Sara (Fecha de defensa: 2024-06-07)

Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is a challenging disease to treat. Despite several decades of improved clinical progress, there is an unmet need to investigate how therapeutic resistance develops. In particular, managing ...

La filosofia en la construcció nacional de Catalunya (1892-1918). Estudi sobre la historiografia nacionalista de la filosofia 

Pérez Muñoz, Max (Fecha de defensa: 2024-02-29)

This doctoral thesis examines the contribution of the philosophical heritage of the Catalan Countries in the construction of the Catalan national identity. Specifically, it focuses on how Catalan intellectuals have used ...

Estética compositiva en las partituras generativas de Mestres Quadreny 

Sanz Badenas, David (Fecha de defensa: 2024-05-31)

This research study on the generative scores of the Catalan composer Josep Maria Mestres Quadreny (1929-2021) is the first work of this type to include, in full, all of these works in the composer's catalogue. The ...

Cognitive challenges in captive chimpanzees: behavioral and welfare implications and influence of personality 

Padrell Dalmau, Maria (Fecha de defensa: 2024-05-29)

The majority of chimpanzees living in captivity will remain in this situation for life. Reintroducing them to their natural habitats is extremely challenging, even in rescue and rehabilitation centers in their countries ...

High-volume manufacturing of advanced composite parts: reducing waste and curing time while maintaining high performance 

González Ruiz, Jose Antonio (Fecha de defensa: 2024-05-27)

Historically, the manufacture of advanced composite parts has been characterised by low-volume production, but is increasingly moving towards mass production. This new scenario, where competitiveness is on the rise, requires ...

Operation and control of high rate activated sludge process in urban wastewater treatment plants 

Canals Tuca, Joan (Fecha de defensa: 2024-05-21)

This doctoral thesis focuses on the High Rate Activated Sludge (HRAS) process, which emerges as an alternative to the primary clarifier in activated sludge systems (CAS) to reduce energy consumption, analysing its effects ...

Oriented external electric fields in chemistry: development and application of new methods to simulate molecular response properties and reactivity 

Besalú Sala, Pau (Fecha de defensa: 2024-05-20)

In this PhD thesis, we explore the fundamental properties of molecules and materials that shape their behavior and potential applications in science and technology. Specifically, we focus on developing advanced computer ...

Exploring the boundaries of aromaticity through computational analysis of excited states and complex molecular topologies 

Escayola Gordils, Sílvia (Fecha de defensa: 2024-05-14)

Aromaticity is a widely used concept in the prediction, design, and understanding of key aspects related to reactivity, structure, and properties of molecules. Linked to cyclic or three-dimensional molecular systems, it ...

Eclipse chasing and sustainable tourism development. Case study: three solar eclipses in Spain in 2026/27/28 

Soltanolkotabi, Mohammad (Fecha de defensa: 2024-04-24)

A total solar eclipse is one of the most spectacular nature’s shows and a significant motivation for many people to travel and see the totality as a once in a lifetime experience. Host communities within the path of totality ...

Polimorfismos de los genes moduladores de la respuesta inmune como predictores de recaída en los pacientes con mieloma múltiple 

Gonzalez Montes, Yolanda (Fecha de defensa: 2024-04-12)

Multiple myeloma (MM) remains an incurable disease despite the incorporation of new therapies. The natural history of disease is of the relapse following treatments due to the re-emergence of the tumour from residual disease ...

On the generation of design allowables of composite coupons accounting for defects using a multi-fidelity approach 

Vallmajó Martín, Oriol (Fecha de defensa: 2024-04-12)

Composite structures play a crucial role in lightweight applications due to their exceptional mechanical performance and low density. However, their anisotropic behavior and susceptibility to uncertainties, such as ...

Protección y conservación de especies animales: responsabilidad del Estado Colombiano 

Monsalve Mantilla, Milton Duban (Fecha de defensa: 2024-04-05)

This research studies the main paradigms that arise in the relationship between human and non-human animals in the Colombian legal system and the national and international legal instruments that are used for the categorization ...

Historia del inicio y desarrollo del teatro moderno en Barcelona (1579-1606) 

Moreno Jimenez, Sergio (Fecha de defensa: 2023-11-03)

The present work gathers, classifies, orders and contextualizes more than two hundred documents found in various archives and libraries and unknown up until now, related to the first stage of development of the modern drama ...
